
Protección especial e intervenciones con enfoque comunitario y familiar


Jean Grugel; Enrique Peruzzotti, The Domestic Politics of International Human Rights Law: Implementing the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Ecuador, Chile, and Argentina, 34 Hum. Rts. Q. 178 (2012)

*Lectura obligatoria

Irene Stevens and Pat Cox Source, Complexity Theory: Developing New Understandings of Child Protection in Field Settings and in Residential Child Care, The British Journal of Social Work, Vol. 38, No. 7 (October 2008), Oxford University Press

*Lectura obligatoria

Szu-Yu Chen, Maria Scannapieco, “The influence of job satisfaction on child welfare worker’s desire to stay: An examination of the interaction effect of self-efficacy and supportive supervision”, Children and Youth Services Review, Volume 32, Issue 4, 2010, pp. 482-486

*Lectura complementaria

1. Identifique principales factores afectando el éxito de la implementación de políticas de protección especial.

2. ¿Cuál es el rol de la política (politics) en el logro de la política de protección especial?